Sherman Colburn
Sherman Colburn, Deceased, was for many years prior to his death one of the leading farmers of Springville township, Adams County, and left an estate, which is one of the best in that community. The homestead is located on section 13, and his widow now makes her home there, with her two youngest children. Mr. Colburn was an agriculturist for over thirty years and was an earnest worker and well posted on general topics. He made a success of his vocation and won the esteem of his fellow men. He was an ex-soldier, and no man ever entered the defense of his country with more loyalty and patriotism. His life was that of an honest man and public-spirited citizen, and he passed away mourned by many friends.
Our subject was born in Fairfield, Vermont, April 16, 1825, and was the son of Hugh and Sylvia (Sherman) Colburn. His father lived in Vermont and was from an old established family of that state. He was a blacksmith by trade. Of a family of four children our subject was the second in order of birth, and after the age of six years was reared by an aunt, Mrs. Barlow. He lived with her until about twenty years of age, and attended school and received a fair education. He went to Boston about 1845 and learned the trade of currier, which he followed until about thirty years of age. He turned his steps toward the new west in 1855, and for several years was employed in the pineries of Wisconsin and later engaged in farming, spending twelve years on various farms. He then purchased his farm in section 13, Springville township, where he resided until his death. He enlisted in Company K, Thirty-eighth Wisconsin Infantry, and engaged in the siege of Vicksburg and numerous small skirmishes, and was discharged after about nine months' service. He was a true and brave soldier and never once faltered when duty called.
Mr. Colburn was married, June 10, 1856, to Elvira Bresee, Daughter of Andrew and Mary Ann (Thomas) Bresee, of Sutton, Quebec, who were of French-Canadian Descent. Eight children were born to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colburn, as follows: Edwin S., born November 29, 1859, now residing at Big Spring: Harvey B., born October 18, 1862, now farming in Dell Prairie township; Andrew W., born March 18, 1864, now engaged in farming in Excelsior township, Sauk county; William H., born April 21, 1867, now farming in Springville township; Sylvia A., born November 29, 1869, now Mrs. D. M. Shoff, of Easton; Evalette, born February 9, 1872, now Mrs. H. Reynolds, of Twin Villey; Frank, born October 18, 1874, now residing with is mother; and Ruby M., born February 15, 1877, now at home. Mr. Colburn passed away at Springville, Adams county, Wisconsin, September 11, 1895. He was a prominent member of John Gillespi Post, G. A. R. He gained his competence through honesty, industry and perseverance, and was an exemplary husband, father and friend.