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Harvey Bradley Colburn

Harvey B. Colburn, a thorough and skillful farmer, who is now successfully operating a farm for the Dell Resort Company, in Dell Prairie township, Adams County, near Kilbourn City, was born in Quincy township, the same county, October 18, 1862, and is the son of Sherman and Elvira (Brazee) Colburn, who came to this country from Vermont, in 1861. (A sketch of their lives is given elsewhere in this work.) Our subject received a good practical education, and after leaving school worked for his father until twenty-two years of age. He next successfully engaged in school teaching for a time, and in 1885,on coming into possession of one hundred sixty acres of wild land on sections 17 and 18, Springfield township, Adams county, he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He cleared and broke his land, placed it under a high state of cultivation, and erected good buildings thereon, including a comfortable residence. He finally sold the place, and in 1896 took charge of the farm he is now so successfully operating.

On the 19th of July 1885, Mr. Colburn married Miss Martha Adele Reeves, a daughter of Anson and Julia (Hakes) Reeves, pioneer settlers of Adams County, and later became a prominent farmer of Springville township. He did much toward the early development and upholding of this locality and was recognized as one of its valued citizens. He died in 1874 and his wife passed away two years later. Mrs. Colburn was educated in the common schools and was well qualified for the teacher's profession. By her marriage to our subject, she has become the mother to one child, Elsie M., born December 27th, 1889.

In 1893 Mr. Colburn united with the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he and his wife are now prominent members and take great interest in Sunday school and church work. They are also active members of the Home Forum and are people of prominence in the community where they reside. In politics Mr. Colburn is a Republican, and his fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, have elected him to a number of township offices, the duties of which he most capable and satisfactorily discharged.

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